There are low budget zombie films and then there is AUTOMATON TRANSFUSION. Forget about what the title actually means (since the filmmakers have already stressed that this is the first part of an ongoing franchise) and be open to the insane madness that is written & director Steven C. Miller’s love song to the zombie horror genre. Although this film has many cliché’s and is predictable from beginning to end, AUTOMATON TRANSFUSION is a guilty pleasure in the same vein as Lucio Fulci’s ZOMBIE (aka ZOMBIE 2). The story concerns a group of party hungry teenagers who find themselves in the middle of a zombie outbreak.
None of this is at all new since the genre has been of late over-stocked with zombie films of every shape and size (with no signs of it ending any time soon). Even though most of the characters are throw away it’s fun to see what Miller will throw at them next and at only a mere 75 minutes long the film is fast and furious pulling no punches which should make all horror-gore junkies happy as well as the zombie film lovers.
I for one love a good zombie film but I also recognize the fun ones as well and this film falls in the latter category. You may be at first turned off by the idea of the film but if you’re a “true” zombie film fan there is much to enjoy in this film.
One of the sad details of this first film in the franchise is that it doesn’t go into details about how the outbreak started. This is hinted at in the closing moments of the film but is left open for the impending sequel (which should be released sometime in 2009). This may put a few people off but rest assured the filmmakers have promised an expansion which will need to be exceptional if they plan on going further then the second film (which I hope they do because I’m always in the mood for a good, entertaining gore-fest!).
AUTOMATON TRANSFUSION may not be the best zombie film ever made but is one of the fun ones.
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