As a remake THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL (2008) is one of the few films that I was looking forward to due to the fact that I’ve never seen the original one therefore there would be nothing in the way preventing me from enjoying the re-imagined one for the new age and a different audience. Now I like a good sci-fi film as much as the next person but even with all the amazing special FX on display in this film it’s a shame that the film is just mediocre in the long run.
The film is the story on an alien by the name Klaatu (Keanu Reeves) who comes to Earth in the form of a human being in order to help the humans change their damaging ways before the Earth is doomed. He finds help in scientist Helen Jackson (Jennifer Connnelly) who believes that she can help Klaatu with his mission. When she discovers that it is Klaatu’s mission to save the Earth from the humans she sets upon a mission to change Klaatu’s mind before the Earth is destroyed.
The film is very light on action until the big finale at the end and it plays more as a film on a journey/road trip from one place to the next sort of like STARMAN or CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND, both of which were slow burning sci-fi dramas. This film comes off as a late Summer/early Fall release rather than a Winter blockbuster release therefore my expectations were not met. It’s also a film seem to meander through the plot going nowhere fast. There are some eye-catching moments especially at the end of the film when the alien protector GORT disassembles into millions of alien bugs that devour everything in its path.
Written by David Scarpa (based upon the original 1951 screenplay by Edmund H. North) THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL is made relevant to our times in regards to our constant disregard for the planet that we live on. Maybe with a more inspired director (which was directed by Scott Derickson) the film could have been better then it is otherwise it just comes off as just another easily forgettable big-budget blockbuster that falls flat.
The film is the story on an alien by the name Klaatu (Keanu Reeves) who comes to Earth in the form of a human being in order to help the humans change their damaging ways before the Earth is doomed. He finds help in scientist Helen Jackson (Jennifer Connnelly) who believes that she can help Klaatu with his mission. When she discovers that it is Klaatu’s mission to save the Earth from the humans she sets upon a mission to change Klaatu’s mind before the Earth is destroyed.
The film is very light on action until the big finale at the end and it plays more as a film on a journey/road trip from one place to the next sort of like STARMAN or CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND, both of which were slow burning sci-fi dramas. This film comes off as a late Summer/early Fall release rather than a Winter blockbuster release therefore my expectations were not met. It’s also a film seem to meander through the plot going nowhere fast. There are some eye-catching moments especially at the end of the film when the alien protector GORT disassembles into millions of alien bugs that devour everything in its path.
Written by David Scarpa (based upon the original 1951 screenplay by Edmund H. North) THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL is made relevant to our times in regards to our constant disregard for the planet that we live on. Maybe with a more inspired director (which was directed by Scott Derickson) the film could have been better then it is otherwise it just comes off as just another easily forgettable big-budget blockbuster that falls flat.
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