On Friday, February 8th at approximately 6:00pm we arrived at the Gaither's Platation in one piece although two hours late of our scheduled time. In the car was Ron McLellen (the producer/director), David Vison (our guest investigator), and myself - the production manager of this little paranormal investigation. Although this would be only my second time out at the location (last Halloween night 2007 was the first), this world be McLellen's forth or fifth as he and the other members of the Georgia Ghost Society have been at this location on many an occassion. I on the other hand do not believe in ghost or the supernatural and thus this second trip didn't appeal to me in the slightest. I was only on set for moral support.
Unlike last Halloween when we focused the investigation on the main house this night's investigation would focus on the alledgedly haunted church also on the property (although it did not originate with the property but was moved here several years prior). I didn't see this location on my last visist as we kept the investigation on the main house and the slave quarters (which were still barely intact). Tonight we will be setting up the IR (infra-red cameras) cameras to see if we catch anything on take. The church is one of the most haunted areas on the pl;antaton and McLellen and the GGS wanted to add to their other great footage filmed over the corse of the last two years. Their idea is to set up two camera's in the church for several hours and just let them record.
There are no trick photography or set ups - everything in the doc is actually filmed on set as it is happening. After setting up the main location of the church upon arriving on set, we set up the slave quarters set once again. On Halloween we had Abrey Britt Bailey (lead singer of the Worm Wood Project) sit in the attic by himself as he was being filmed to get his experience in the alledged haunted location. This time the guest was Vinson whom McLellen and myself work with up at Gwinnett Center; Vinson is a sound engineer who wanted to be a part of the paranormal investigation and this was the best opportunity that we knew how to get him involved. He would get to be the one up in the haunted attic by himself in the dark with only the IR camera on him for as young as the tape in the camera lasted.
Although we didn't need to film anything at the main house this time (as that was the main location of the investigation on Halloween 2007) it was our base of opporation and a good location to do the initial interviews between Vinson, McLellen, and Bob Hunnicutt - the founder of the GGS and our Host for the show and liasson for all the locations. Hunnicutt would be leading the investigation and provide us (and the production) with all the background info we need to conduct the investigation.
My job on set is as production manager, which means I'm the gofer and general "bitch" of the location getting whatever needs to be got and accommodating everyone whenever needed. This night I wasn't needed as much as usual (and frankly, I'm rarely needed on these paranormal investigations as it is. I'm just there when I can be or when I think I might have fun. They tend to run themselves.). This night would be a different night for me as I would have a different agenda for coming to the location rather than just being a part of the investigation.
Two days earlier I received the tragic news that my uncle had passed away while in the hospital. It was unexpected and took me by surprise and when I found out I debated whether or not I even wanted to continue with the investigation. I thought long and hard about it but in the end I thought that it would do me good to continue on with the investigation. I would continue on and hope that with this newfound tragedy in my life that it would all become something barable. I also had an inkling for wanting to believe that maybe there are "spirits" and "ghosts" out there trapped in their own purgatory. Maybe there is an afterlife.
But mainly I needed to believe. I needed to believe in something. Anything. And what better place to learn about believing in something then to go to a haunted house and see and experience something truly unique and truly extraordinary. Something that could possibly make me believe.
I would try to have my own paranormal experience at the haunted house.
To Be Continued...
Before you read anything in this blog, please be aware that this is a writer's "personal" blog so many elements contained within are not the same opinions of those of any of the companies that the writer is associated with. This blog is simply for entertainment value and allows the writer a venue which is free from censorship.
CITY GARDEN - "The Old Woman & The Park"
On the set of the short film "A Gift"

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